Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time is flyin'!!!!

Holy cow...where have I been... 38 more days!  That's only 27 more work days!

Current projects:

Ceremony is written and pending approval.  :)

Working on music selctions with Joey currently... He's pretty much taking the lead on that, which is great news for me!

Must find hairstyle.  I have ideas, but I'm trying to narrow it down for my practice appointment this weekend!  Will post pics! 

Hm, what else...

I am extremely excited for next weekend when we will be in Charleston for Erin's wedding.  It's going to be so beautiful and fun!  We have spent the last year planning together, sharing ideas and keeping each other sane!  I can't WAIT to see how everything will come together.  Love you Erin!!!

That's it for now I guess!  Happy Hump Day!